Real Estate

Certificate of Occupancy: What it is and How to get it
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Certificate of Occupancy: What it is and How to get it

A Certificate of Occupancy (C of O) is a vital land title document in Nigeria – alongside different certificates like the survey plan and the deed of the assignment.  Getting a C of O is one of the means you own the property you are buying in Nigeria. This article shows you what the C of…

19 Plus One Benefits Of Investing In Real Estate (Part Two)
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19 Plus One Benefits Of Investing In Real Estate (Part Two)

Welcome to the second part of this benefit series. If you missed the first part, click on this link to read the first ten benefits of investing in real estate. Let us get down to the second half of the benefits. 11. Real estate may be a long-term investment that pays well. Unlike stock market…

19 Plus One Benefits of Investing in Real Estate
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19 Plus One Benefits of Investing in Real Estate

Real estate has been a great source of producing millionaires in so many decades now. But many people still do not know the benefits of investing and building wealth in real estate. Here are 19 plus one benefits you get from investing in real estate: 1. You can build future equity. The ability to generate…

25 Proven Strategies For Making Money In Real Estate (part two)
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25 Proven Strategies For Making Money In Real Estate (part two)

Welcome to the second part of the 25 Strategies to make money with real estate. if you missed the first part, click on this link to read it now. Which of the ideas do you resonate with so far? Check out the remaining twelve, and let’s know your thoughts at the end of the post….