
Here is the Secret to Real Estate Riches.
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Here is the Secret to Real Estate Riches.

An old real estate saying goes: “The only three things that matter in real estate are location, location, and location.” You can own a ten-bedroom palace with eight-bathroom and the ceiling of a cathedral in it, and a swimming pool in it; if it’s sitting next to a refuse dump, that property is almost worthless….

5 Reasons You Must Invest In Land In Nigeria in 2022 (Miss this and Regret it)
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5 Reasons You Must Invest In Land In Nigeria in 2022 (Miss this and Regret it)

The land is the only thing in the world that lasts, and it goes nowhere and is always available to change hands. But so many people miss out on the great benefits that empty land can bring you. Leaving your land vacant may look like nothing is going on, but a lot is going on….

Why You Must Invest Your Money in Real Estate in Nigeria in 2022(short Note)

Why You Must Invest Your Money in Real Estate in Nigeria in 2022(short Note)

It’s 2022, and so many people don’t know the power of real estate, nor do they know some of the benefits they get from investing in real estate. Here are reasons why you should invest in real estate in Nigeria in 2022 Real estate is considered one of the safest and best investments globally. It…

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Thus the most common way of proving ownership of land is in the production of a document of grant or title. This method entails providing any of the following documents; Deed of Assignment/ conveyance, a Deed of gift, a legal Mortgage, and a Certificate of Occupancy. As such, a person intending to buy land must…

19 Plus One Benefits Of Investing In Real Estate (Part Two)
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19 Plus One Benefits Of Investing In Real Estate (Part Two)

Welcome to the second part of this benefit series. If you missed the first part, click on this link to read the first ten benefits of investing in real estate. Let us get down to the second half of the benefits. 11. Real estate may be a long-term investment that pays well. Unlike stock market…